Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

• Performance Indicator 3: Uses information resources ethically and honestly, preserving the meaning of the source and documenting the use of the source in the style appropriate for the student’s discipline or field • Performance Indicator 4: Synthesizes information effectively in the student’s own text Learning Outcome 4: Collaborates with others • Performance Indicator 1: Participates in class discussions and in any group projects and activities • Performance Indicator 2: Participates in class discussions, peer editing, and group activities or projects, responding productively and respectfully to the work and ideas of others and considering the ideas and suggestions of others. Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrates effective oral communication skills • Performance Indicator 1: Produces original content • Performance Indicator 2: Adapts to a variety of speaking and listening situations • Performance Indicator 3: Uses volume, eye contact, rate of pronunciation, articulation, and gesticulation effectively • Performance Indicator 4: Uses listening skills to critique, evaluate, and/or assess oral communication Competency/Goal 6: Demonstrates knowledge of social structures Learning Outcome 1: Examines the experience of the individual • Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of mental processes within humans • Performance Indicator 2: Explains the developmental stages through which the human mind evolves Learning Outcome: Examines the world of human diversity • Performance Indicator 1: Examines a variety of cultures • Performance Indicator 2: Identifies the varieties of human social groupings Learning Outcome 3: Recognizes human social structures • Performance Indicator 1: Shows knowledge of the importance of governmental systems • Performance Indicator 2: Explains the implication(s) of colliding social structures Classroom Policies: Regular participation is expected. All quizzes and exams can be taken on any computer with Internet access. Students should select an environment conducive for testing (distraction-free area at home, a computer lab at a library, etc.) Students can take the tests at any time between the given dates and times. Each test will be available for a limited period of time. Participation: Participation is a significant part of your grade, and if you are not “present,” then you obviously cannot participate. To be a successful college student, consistent and constructive participation each week of class is essential and expected. Habitual negligence of your coursework can result in a significant negative impact on your overall grade and financial aid status, and if there has been a significant