Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
Additional information: none Type: Required resource Course Requirements: Complete weekly lessons. Read a chapter a week and take chapter tests and some open book tests. Answer essay questions for some of the chapters. Write 3 essays (based on the 3 children's books mentioned above.) Complete all assignments by the dates listed. Tentative Course Outline: The topics presented will help students planning to go into education. Understand the value of literature to children, the different genres of literature, and strategies for instruction are covered. General Education Goals/Objectives: Competency/Goal 4: Communicates effectively Learning Outcome 1: Write effectively • Performance Indicator 1: Uses the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing • Performance Indicator 2: Recognizes the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience. • Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates competent writing that includes a clear, original thesis or claim, appropriate evidence and support, a logical structure, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience. • Performance Indicator 4: Uses Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and presents written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting. Learning Outcome 2: Reads at a level that allows participation in collegiate studies and chosen careers • Performance Indicator 1: Understands the structure and organization of written work • Performance Indicator 2: Recognizes an author’s thesis and forms of support • Performance Indicator 3: Evaluates the effectiveness and validity of an author’s style, organization, support, evidence, and presentation. • Performance Indicator 4: Recognizes the connection style and language have to an author’s topic, audience, context, and purpose • Performance Indicator 5: Synthesizes information and ideas from multiple sources Learning Outcome 3: Integrates information sources effectively • Performance Indicator 1: Finds a variety of information resources • Performance Indicator 2: Evaluates the relevance and reliability of sources
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