Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
MEASUREABLE LEARNING OUTCOMES Competency/Goal 4: Communicates effectively Learning Outcome 1: Write effectively · Performance Indicator 1: Uses the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing · Performance Indicator 2: Recognizes the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience. · Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates competent writing that includes a clear, original thesis or claim, appropriate evidence and support, a logical structure, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience. · Performance Indicator 4: Uses Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and presents written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting. Learning Outcome 2: Reads at a level that allows participation in collegiate studies and chosen careers · Performance Indicator 1: Understands the structure and organization of written work · Performance Indicator 2: Recognizes an author’s thesis and forms of support · Performance Indicator 3: Evaluates the effectiveness and validity of an author’s style, organization, support, evidence, and presentation. · Performance Indicator 4: Recognizes the connection style and language have to an author’s topic, audience, context, and purpose · Performance Indicator 5: Synthesizes information and ideas from multiple sources Learning Outcome 3: Integrates information sources effectively · Performance Indicator 1: Finds a variety of information resources · Performance Indicator 2: Evaluates the relevance and reliability of sources · Performance Indicator 3: Uses information resources ethically and honestly, preserving the meaning of the source and documenting the use of the source in the style appropriate for the student’s discipline or field · Performance Indicator 4: Synthesizes information effectively in the student’s own text Learning Outcome 4: Collaborates with others · Performance Indicator 1: Participates in class discussions and in any group projects and activities · Performance Indicator 2: Participates in class discussions, peer editing, and group activities or projects, responding productively and respectfully to the work and ideas of others and considering the ideas and suggestions of others.
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