Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

Finals Week - Prep Day for final exam W (12-18) Finals Week – Final Exam TBA F (12-20) Finals Week – Final Exam TBA Syllabus is adapted, with permission, from existing DCB course syllabi. Syllabus is subject to change, if needed, in order to support student learning outcomes. General Education Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of the DCB General Education Program, the student will: 1. read critically to understand content, draw inferences, synthesize information and evaluate message and form. (2017-2018) 2. compose polished writing by way of drafting, revising, and editing—applying rules and conventions for standard, edited English (spelling, usage, mechanics). (2018-2019) 4. use information, effectively and ethically. (2019-2020) 5. synthesize information, utilize listening skills and critical thinking to engage in intellectual discussions. (2018-2019) 6. critique others’ work as a group, self-analysis, and/or through writing. (2017-2018) Relationship to Campus Theme: Students will read and discuss Coyote Warrior as it relates to nature, technology, and humanity. Classroom Policies: Students are expected to complete all assignments in a timely fashion, including assigned reading, work, and writing. Students are expected to attend class, and to come to class with assignments and reading complete. Class discussion and student/teacher interaction are important aspects of the learning process, and any class dates that are missed will result in additional work to make up the missed learning opportunity. Care should be taken to attend every class session. Grading Scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69