Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

• Performance Indicator 3: Uses volume, eye contact, rate of pronunciation, articulation, and gesticulation effectively • Performance Indicator 4: Uses listening skills to critique, evaluate, and/or assess oral communication Late Policy In all communication situations--professional, workplace, and academic--writers and speakers must meet deadlines. Any student who knows in advance he or she will not be able to speak on the day appointed or take a test on the day appointed should send the instructor an email informing him of the class to be missed. Once that is completed, the student and the instructor can work together to submit the work. Components of final grade 10% Self introduction speech 15% Fact Check speech 15% Opposing viewpoints speech 15% Speech urging action 20% Speech to influence thinking 10% Epideictic speech 15% Listening and writing quizzes Statement on Non-Discrimination Alternative viewpoints are welcome in this classroom. There will be no discrimination in this class, no discrimination based on race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, disability, status as U.S. military or US veteran, or on any other basis not listed above. Accommodation Statement Any student with special needs, or who needs special accommodations, should discuss those issues with the instructor at the beginning of the semester or as soon as each student becomes aware of his or her needs.