Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

Lec 37 Sight Chpt. 17 Lec 38 Endocrine System Chpt. 18 Lec 39 Endocrine System Chpt. 19 Lec 40 Endocrine System Chpt. 19 Lec 41 Endocrine System Chpt. 19 FINAL (Time TBD) Holidays 2-Sep NO CLASS - LABOR DAY 14-Oct Assessment Day - Class tentative 11-Nov NO CLASS - VETERANS DAY Nov 28 - 29 NO CLASS THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Tentative Lab Outline: WEEK TOPIC LAB# Week 2 Sep 2 - 8 Introduction/Organization of the Body and Microscope 1 & 3 Week 3 Cell Anatomy, Transport and Cell Life Cycle 4, 5 & 6 Week 4 Sep 16 – 20 LAB EXAM I - Week 5 Tissues 7 & 8 Week 6 Skin and begin Skeleton 9 & 10 Week 7 Skeleton 11, 12, & 13 Week 8 Extremities and Joints 14, 15, & 16 Week 9 LAB EXAM II - Week 10 Muscles 17 & 18 Week 11 Muscles 19 Week 12 Nerves 21 & 22 Week 13 LAB EXAM III - Week 14 CNS and Brain 23, 24, & 25 Week 15 Touch/Taste/Smell 26, 27, & 28 Week 16 Ear/Eye/Endocrine 29, 30, 31, & 32 Week 17 FINAL LAB EXAM -