Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
Week 10: o Reading: Muscle Contraction (Ch.17) o Lab (40 pts): Muscle Physiology o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (10 pts): Ch. 17 Week 11: o Reading: Nervous System Cells (Ch.18) and Nerve Signaling (Ch.19) o Begin Lab: Overview of the Gross Anatomy of the Central Nervous System o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 18 & Ch. 19 Week 12: o Reading: Central Nervous System (Ch.20) and Peripheral Nervous System(Ch.21) o Lab Due (40 pts): Overview of the Gross Anatomy of the Central Nervous System o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 20 & Ch. 21 Week 13: o Reading: Autonomic Nervous System (Ch.22) and General Senses (Ch.23) o Begin Lab: Reflex and Sensory Physiology o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 22 & Ch. 23 Week 14: o Reading: Special Senses (Ch.24) and Endocrine Regulation (Ch.25) o Lab Due (40 pts): Reflex and Sensory Physiology o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 Week 15: o Reading: Endocrine Glands (Ch.26) o Assignment (40 pts): Endocrine Glands o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (10 pts): Ch. 26 Week 16: o Final (75 pts): o Discussion: Course Wrap-up General Education Goal and Objectives Goal: The goal of this course is to facilitate student learning about human anatomy and physiology so students better understand and appreciate the complexities of interactions between organ systems to promote the advancement of life sciences in the professional and academic environment as well as throughout everyday life. Objectives: 1) To learn and retain information essential to a broad knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. 2) Demonstrate knowledge of mental process within humans (Goal 6; Objective 1) 3) Practice sound, safe, and sensible laboratory techniques.
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