Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
Course Requirements: This is an introductory course. Students are expected to read the text and come to class prepared to listen and discuss during the lectures. Points will come from homework, in-class discussion, four exams, and a course project. The breakdown will be as follows: Homework = 25% In-Class Discussion = 10% Course Project/Paper = 15% Exams = 50% Homework: There will be a combination of assigned readings, papers, and traditional assignments. Homework must be submitted on time to receive full credit. Late homework will be accepted with a deduction of 20% per day late. In-Class Discussion: We will read and discuss case studies about various agribusinesses in class. You will be required to complete the reading before class and come prepared to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented in the reading. Course Project: Each student will line up an interview with an agribusiness professional to learn about the skills and training necessary for a job in that field. Once complete, the student will type up a summary of the interview and address their level of interest in the job before and after the interview. Exams: There will be four exams over the material covered during the semester. The final exam will be comprehensive. *Make up exams are offered only under extenuating circumstances. All make-up exams should be taken within a week of the missed exam. Attendance: All students are expected to attend class. I miss you when you are not here. We will do a lot of discussion and break-out sessions in class, you will miss valuable class time if you are not here. Grading and Evaluation: Total Point Percentage Letter Grade 90% and ↑ A 80% - 89.99% B 70% - 79.99% C 60% - 69.99% D 59.99% and ↓ F
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