Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
General Education Goals/Objectives: Learning Outcome 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives Performance Indicator 3: Applies technology in the scientific process Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrates an understanding of the natural environment Learning Outcome 3: Applies scientific information in everyday life Relationship to Campus Theme: Class announcement/discussion on news items about technological developments in biology and how that influences the discipline as well as the societal aspects. Covers DNA analysis, genetic engineering, and DNA fingerprinting Knowledge on cell structure and function related to microscope development discussed. Interject technological developments and how they influence scientific development and societal issues. Classroom Policies: • Participation is required in class. You will need to attend your registered section of lab unless otherwise agreed upon and scheduled by myself. If you have not done this you will be asked to leave. • No food or drinks in the lab and consumption of lab materials is prohibited. All safety procedures should be followed. If not, you will lose your participation for the day and be unable to turn in your lab handouts/report for the week. • Late assignments are not accepted. Please check Blackboard often and make note of dates presented in class. • Lab Handout/Report Turn In: Turn in of labs should be done on or before the following lab day. There will be a basket for turn in inside my office door during office hours and available for 5 min at the start of the next lab. Labs will not be accepted after the first 5 min of class. Your lab work should be unique to you. Your partner may have different information based off of their thoughts or interpretations and should always be written in the students own words. Identical lab handouts/reports will not be accepted. If you are turning in on of your formal lab reports that should be submitted in Blackboard via word document. If you do not attend lab for the week you are not eligible to turn in lab handouts or a formal lab report. • Excused absences will be for only the following reasons and still need to be discussed with me via email, text, or phone call: sickness with a doctor’s note must be emailed to me, passing of a close family member, if you’re an athlete and need to miss class for a game. You will still need to attend another lab time to be eligible for that week’s handout and participation. You will need to schedule that with me. Do not just show up at a different lab time.
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