Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

Chapter Tests (50%): A test will be given at the completion of each chapter. Students are allowed one attempt on each test and must be completed in one sitting. Tests must be taken on the day they are given or previous arrangements must be made prior to the test day. If you miss an exam you must contact me within 24 hours of the missed exam to arrange for a time to make up the exam. Exams must be made up within 72 hours of the original exam time. If you do not contact me within 24 hours, a grade of 0 will be entered for the exam that was missed. Students are only allowed to make up ONE exam per course. The exam grade will be docked 10% per day for late points. Make-up tests may be more difficult than the one given for the regular scheduled test. Final Exam (20%): The final exam is comprehensive. Anyone who misses the final will receive a 0 on the exam and a grade of F for the course. No make-up final will be given. Cheating on tests will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating, that will result in an automatic 0 for the exam. A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% Classroom Policies/Expectations:  Respect is to be shown towards the instructor and fellow students in the classroom.  Attendance and participation is expected. This means you must be alert and paying attention to what is being discussed during class.  Show up to class on time and be prepared (pencil, notebook, calculator, etc).  Cell phones and all other electronics should be off/silenced and put away. You will be asked once to put the phone away, if asked again you will be asked to leave.  Do NOT wear headphones during class or tests. They are not allowed. 25% Homework 10% Journal 50% Chapter Tests 15% Final Exam 100%