Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

f) Turning in reports intended to be based on field collection data but which are, in fact, not. g) Failure to respect the confidentiality of persons served or studied and to maintain the professional standards for ethical conduct as set forth in The Handbook of School Psychology published by the national Association of School Psychologists. What does this mean for this course? In terms of written work, this means that participants have the responsibility to make it very clear in all written work what portion of the work the participant wrote and what was written by other people. For example, it is perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged, that participants use materials and ideas provided by others, such as lesson planning web sites, workshop leaders, mentor teachers, or curriculum guides. However, participants need to indicate (such as in a footnote) where they got the information that they are adapting for the assignment. In the long- term, this will be VERY helpful, as participants may not remember the source of the ideas and might need or want to go back to that source for additional copies or more ideas. Additionally, the work participants turn in for this class must be specifically written for the assignments in this course, this semester -- participants may not turn in work (either in whole or part) that they have used for a grade in another course, or that was previously turned in by others students in this course. So, participants must make the original source of their ideas explicit in course assignments and must complete exams independently. If participants have any concerns or questions about how to appropriately indicate what is their own work and what is derived from the work of others, please see the instructor during office hours, or if that time is not convenient, call or email the instructor to set an appointment time. Failure to accurately reference original sources falls under the category of academic dishonesty and will result in the following: The first time a problem of this sort appears in an assignment, the instructor will assume that it is unintentional and will ask the participant to re-write the assignment. Points may be deducted from the assignment at the instructor’s discretion. The participant will be required to meet with the instructor to learn how to avoid this problem in future assignments. The second time this problem is noted in an assignment, the participant will be assigned 0 points for that assignment. If the problem appears for the third time, the participant will be assigned a failing grade in the course. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, for which you need extra assistance, please inform me immediately. If you have already met with Student Development personnel, please provide me with information regarding your special needs as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made. (see more below) Title IX MSU faculty members are “mandatory reporters,” which means that once we are apprised of violence or harassment based on sex and gender, we are required to report the incident to the Title IX office on campus, regardless of whether the student wants this information reported or