Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

3 | P a g e ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance and participation are important parts of this course. Participation in class discussions is required. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Plagiarism takes the words and/or ideas of another and uses them as your own without giving appropriate credit to the original source. Any clear violations of these standards and others such as cheating, or violating copyright laws, are handled promptly, firmly, privately, and fairly by the instructor. Other examples of scholastic dishonesty and the grievance process can be found in the LRSC Student Catalogue. Students who either intentionally or unintentionally practice plagiarism will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. Additionally, instructors have the ability to have students submit assignments through TurnItIn via Pearson Learning Studio or the website www.turnitin.com . The website will provide plagiarism check of similar content, citations and sources, provide feedback on grammar, spelling and word usage and critiques on writing from Pearson professional tutors. 1 st Offense: Since it is impossible to evaluate a plagiarized paper, no credit can be given. At the discretion of the instructor, a student may also be: Assigned a reduced grade for the course Allowed to rewrite and submit the assignment for credit 2 nd Offense: Dismissed from the class with a failing grade Please go to the following site for resource information on Plagiarism: http://www.academicplagiarism.com/?page_id=109 Use the following sites to check your papers for plagiarism: http://www.plagtracker.com http://www.dustball.com/cs/plagiarism.checker/ If you are caught copying another person’s assignment, quiz, or test or knowingly allow a classmate to copy your work, you will be given an automatic grade of 0 on that assignment. Students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct as listed in the Lake Region State College 2017-2019 catalog pages 38-39. Scholastic dishonesty is addressed in the Lake Region State College catalog on page 39. ACCOMODATIONS: If you need special accommodations because of a disability, I will gladly work to meet your needs. Please let me know if you need any special accommodations of the curriculum, instruction, or assessments of this course to enable you to participate fully. I will keep any information you share with me confidential . Note: This is a merged online course, therefore some of the laboratory assignments will be assigned to each individual group. I will email laboratory assignments for each group separately with instructions to complete.