Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Intent – What was the photographer’s intent and did they successfully create an image that expresses that intent? For classes, the intent will be the criteria for the assignment. For example, if the assignment is freezing motion, then did the photographer successfully freeze motion? Is the viewer interpreting what the photographer wanted to say? Is it clear what the photographer was trying to accomplish? Technical proficiency – This one is fairly simple as it’s all about using the photography equipment properly. Is the photograph in focus, is the white balance correct, is the exposure correct, were all the camera settings correct, was lighting equipment used properly, etc. Critiques – Each week you will critique one of your photos and one of a classmate’s photos using the criteria listed in the “critique section” below. Each week I will critique your photos and address the five categories. I will tell you exactly where the image is strong and exactly where the image could improve. You are allowed re-shoot any assignment for a better grade. The exception is LATE WORK. Late Work: The photography and art worlds work on strict deadlines, therefore it is important to develop the habit of turning work in on time. In the work world, if you miss a deadline, you get fired. IN THIS CLASS, YOU WILL LOSE ONE FULL LETTER GRADE FOR EVERY DAY THE ASSIGNMENT IS LATE, AND LATE WORK MAY NOT BE RE-DONE FOR A BETTER GRADE. Final Portfolios: The majority of your final grade will be determined by your final portfolio. Your final portfolio will consist of 20-30 examples of your work from the trip. You will submit your portfolio to the online course shell within one week of returning to the US. You will print, mat, and frame a number of prints (to be determined later) to be hung in the Thatcher Hall Gallery Frames on the first and second floors of Thatcher Hall. Final grades: A final grade for the class is an assessment of what you have learned in the class for the entire semester. Because you are passionate about photography and have invested a great deal of money and time to go on this trip, I expect that everyone will earn an ‘A.’
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