Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Articles of Agreement Welcome aboard! PHOT 293 ONLINE Photography Practicum IV Three (3) Credits Course Description: In this course, students will work independently on practical assignments as they relate to their future careers in professional photography. Students will choose one of three options for completing practicum. An internship with a professional studio, working as self-employed, or doing freelance/stock photography work. This course is designed to meet the practicum requirements for online students only. Pre-/Co Requisites: You will take this class during your final semester along with PHOT 289 (portfolio class) You are required to take all other photo classes before this, unless you have prior permission from the instructor. Course times: Online – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – fall and spring semesters Instructor: Todd Vorenkamp Office number and hours: 24/7 Online—usually respond within 24 hours Phone: DCB Photo studio—(701) 228-5657—The studio manager handles all calls to this number. Please contact the instructor via email. Email: For any questions you may use the mail feature within the online class, or my school email - todd.vorenkamp@dakotacollege.com Text: None
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