Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
PHOTO 285 PHOTO 289 PHOTO 210 • The DCB photography program will not assertively or opportunistically promote its services outside of the campus environment in order to not be in competition with the private sector. The program will take measures that will help prevent it from requisitioning work otherwise accomplished by persons in the profession. • Pictures taken by photography students as part of their course of study will not belong to them. Ownership rights will lie with the parties for whom the photographs have been taken. Students will sign a waiver stating that the product of their internship or field study photography work belongs to the subjects of the photos or to their representatives. • All revenue generated by students’ internship or field study experiences will be invested back into the program to cover operation and equipment costs. Dakota College students, instructors, or staff will gain no monetary benefit from their participation. • Students participating in an internship or field study exercise will be supervised and provided guidance by their instructor and advisor. No applied training event will be approved that does not have proper authorization from the photography program’s instructor/advisor. However, although the students will be taught and directed by the institution, the actual engagement in the educational experience may or may not be done under direct supervision of their instructor. • Transportation to the locations where the photos will be taken will not be provided by the institution. Disclaimer Statement: The instructor of this course reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus without prior notice. Tentative Course Outline: Week 1 – Introduction, lecture and choose focus Week 2 – Homework and critique Week 3 - Homework and critique Week 4 – Homework and critique Week 5 – Homework and critique
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