Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Objectives: 1. To understand gain practical experience in the field of professional photography. 2. To learn how to work and create on a deadline. 3. To learn how to work and create for a client. 4. To gain practical experience in your chosen field 5. To begin to build professional contacts and clients Relationship to Campus Them : This course addresses the campus theme by having students work independently in practical, hands on working situations in order to prepare them for working in the professional field. Classroom Policies: 1. Be respectful of other students, technicians, instructors, and guests. 2. You must participate in discussions in order to receive full credit. 3. Respect and care for all equipment whether it’s yours or the colleges. 4. Be on time. 5. Be courteous. 6. Be humble. Communication/Campus Email All students at DCB are given a DCB email account. This account is how DCB will communicate with you. You will receive important emails about classes, financial aid, emergencies, school closures, important dates, etc. through this email account. Along with the important emails you will receive, it also gives you access to Microsoft Office software. I WILL use your DCB email account for ALL communications with you. YOU are responsible for checking your email regularly. I will email homework lists, important dates, information on photo shoots, grades, etc. to your DCB account. You are responsible for knowing all the information sent to your campus email. Along with DCB email, I will also use the “announcement” section in the online classes to communicate, so be sure to check it regularly. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Dishonesty in the classroom or studio and with assignments, quizzes, exams, and papers is a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and college administration. For more information refer to the Student Handbook. Please note that I have a ZERO tolerance policy for cheating, plagiarism, and copyright violations.