Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

▪ Exposure and Histograms ▪ The Zone System ▪ Depth of Field ▪ Metering Week 2 - Landscape ▪ Safety in Nature ▪ Packing and Planning ▪ Photographing the State and National Parks ▪ Post Production – Digital Darkroom Week 3 - Macro ▪ Macro Equipment and Lenses ▪ Macro Imagery ▪ Intimate Scenes ▪ Light, Composition, Mood ▪ Creativity ▪ Post Production – Digital Darkroom Week 4 - Wildlife ▪ Safety With Wildlife ▪ Hunting With a Camera ▪ Learning Behavior ▪ Exposing Animals ▪ Light, Composition, Mood ▪ Creativity ▪ Post Production – Digital Darkroom Week 5 – Rustic, Rural and Urban ▪ Safety in Rural Settings ▪ Photographing Private Property ▪ Photographing Public Property ▪ Light, Composition, Mood ▪ Exposure ▪ Traveling With Digital Media ▪ Post Production – Digital Darkroom Week 6 – Nighttime Photography ▪ Safety in Nighttime Photography ▪ Exposure ▪ ISO and Noise ▪ Light, Composition, Mood ▪ Creativity ▪ Post Production – Digital Darkroom Week 7 – Outdoor photography as a living