Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Final Week Review Final is 12-10-18 9-11am Class Assignments Attendance/Participation 40 (2.5 per class) Friendship Cinquain 5 Text Assignment 5 Daily Activity Assignments 35 total Library Lesson 10 Essay 1 Experience 30 Writing 1 Quiz 10 Writing 2 Quiz 10 Essay 2 Passion 60 Midterm 45 Essay 3 You Choose Topic100 Final 50 _________________________________________________________________________ Total Points 400 Grading Scale 90-100% A 80-90% B 70-80% C 60-70% D 0-60% F General Education Goals/Objectives: In this class, the goal is to prepare the student for ASC 88, which in turn will prepare the student for Com 110, which is a required General Education course. Program Objectives: 1. Read Critically to understand content, draw inferences, synthesize information and evaluate message and form. 2. Compose polished writing by way of inventing, drafting, revising and editing-applying rules and conventions for standard, edited English (spelling, usage, mechanics). 3. Demonstrate personal style and technique when creating visual works of art. 4. Use information effectively and ethically 5. Synthesize information, utilize listening skills and critical thinking to engage in intellectual discussions 6. Critique others’ work as a group, self-analysis, and/or through writing. 7. Plan and exhibit a display of class projects when applicable. 8. Recognize and/or evaluate formal characteristics, synthesize originality and historical information.