Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 3 EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE AND NURSING JUDGEMENT: Implement nursing judgment to make safe, effective, and evidenced- based decisions that integrate science and the nursing process in providing holistic client care. 7. Identity the evidence-based practices involved in clinical decision-making to prioritize safe nursing care. 8. Interpret results of diagnostic studies for patients with chronic, acute, and complex healthcare needs. • ATI resources and exams • Skill demonstrations (IV skills, medication administration, blood administration and central lines) • Lab activities (ECG, chest tubes) • Dosage calculations in clinical/lab and on exams • Clinical/Simulation performance and paperwork • Clinical reasoning • Prioritization • Independent reading • Tegrity lectures • ATI Exam • Skill return demonstration • Dosage calculation exams • Clinical performance evaluation • Clinical reflection in post- paperwork • Patient assessment documentation • Concept map • Simulation lab performance • Group and individual presentations QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND SAFETY: Incorporate a spirit of inquiry to make evidence based clinical judgments and management decisions to improve the safety and quality of care across a variety of systems. 9. Examine individual performance and system effectiveness to improve the safety and quality of care. 10. Implement safe practices and sound judgment in the administration of medications and treatment. 11. Identify potential/actual patient complications and respond appropriately. • ATI resources and exams • Skill demonstrations (IV skills, medication administration, blood administration and central lines) • Lab activities (ECG, chest tubes) • Dosage calculations in clinical/lab and on exams • Clinical/Simulation performance and paperwork • Client satisfaction • Safety • Independent reading • Tegrity lectures • ATI Exam • Skill return demonstration • Dosage calculation exams • Clinical performance evaluation • Clinical reflection in post- paperwork • Patient assessment documentation • Concept map • Simulation lab performance • Group and individual presentations INFORMATICS: Integrate current technology to support decision-making and manage information in the delivery of client care. 12. Incorporate appropriate technology to communicate effectively and manage information in the delivery of client care. • Clinical/Simulation performance and paperwork • Documentation/Confidentiality • Technology – safety equipment • Independent reading • Tegrity lectures • ATI Exam • Clinical performance evaluation • Clinical reflection in post- paperwork • Patient assessment documentation • Concept map • Simulation lab performance • Group and individual presentations GRADE BREAKDOWN: Weekly lab assignments – Quizzes, worksheets, skill re-demos, simulation 10% ATI practice exams & ATI skills modules 5% Exams 10% Clinical paperwork 35% Clinical behaviors 35% ATI Proctored Exam Average 5% 100% Exam Remediation (Orig. May 2015, Curriculum Committee & 2018-2019 DNP Student Handbook, p. 34) : Students obtaining less than 76% on a math or IV therapy exam will remediate and retake the test until obtaining a minimum grade of 76% to pass. The score of the original exam will be the documented