Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
DAKOTA NURSING PROGRAM Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 3 EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE AND NURSING JUDGEMENT: Utilize the nursing process, science, and clinical reasoning to provide quality evidenced-based client care. 8. Recognize how evidence based practice and nursing judgment are used when managing and prioritizing care for the client along the health-illness continuum in the nursing laboratory and in the clinical facility. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly incorporating EBP • National Patient Safety Goal • QSEN lesson • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND SAFETY: Employ evidence based decision making to deliver safe and effective client care and to evaluate client outcomes. 9. Demonstrates safety and competency in basic nursing skills, interventions, and calculating drug dosages, safely preparing, administrating, and monitoring medications. 10. Recognize potential/actual patient complications and need for appropriate response. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly • National Patient Safety Goal • QSEN lesson • NAPNES Standards of Practice and Educational competencies of graduates of PN/VN nursing Programs • NDBON and National Federation of Licensed Practical nurses • Weekly math quizzes • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical INFORMATICS: Utilize appropriate technology to communicate effectively and manage information in the delivery of client care. 11. Retrieves documents and maintains confidentiality of information related to client care. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly • QSEN lesson • SIM chart documentation with lab skills • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical • SIM chart after all skill check offs GRADE BREAKDOWN: Lab skills, math, Lab work 75% Lab Exams 20% ATI practice, proctored 5% 100% GRADING POLICY: The following grading scale is used: 92.0 - 100.00 = A 84.0 - 91.99 = B 76.0 - 83.99 = C 68.0 - 75.99 = D Below 68 = F There will be no rounding up of grades for any reason. There is no extra credit offered. NCLEX REVIEW PROGRAM NURSING REVIEW PROGRAM: The Dakota Nursing Program requires students to purchase and complete an ATI Nursing Review Program. This program is complete with the review modules (Books or eBooks, Skills Modules, Online Practice Assessments, and Proctored Assessments). Please review the complete ATI policy in your student handbook for schedule of exams, preparation policy, remediation policy and grading levels.
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