Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
DAKOTA NURSING PROGRAM Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 2 4. Horntvedt. (2015) Calculating Dosages Safely: A Dimensional Analysis Approach. (1 st ed.) FA Davis. 5. Shadow Health. (2017). Digital Clinical Experience (Version 5.0) [Software]. (ISBN: 978-0-9897888-1-6) Available fro m http://www.shadowhealth.com 6. Silvestri, L. (2018) Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX PN (7 th ed.) St. Louis: Saunders/Mosby. 7. Skyscape Nursing Constellation package (Includes Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, and Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 8. Wilson, S., Giddens, J., (2017) Health Assessment for Nursing Practice (6 th ed.) Elsevier *Students must have reliable high speed internet which is required to access online books and resources. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (With Related Learning Activities and Evaluation): NURS 122: Clinical Practice I Program Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) NURS 122 Course Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) Learning Activities Course SLO Evaluation TEAMWORK AND COMMUNICATION: Participate as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team through effective communication in the delivery and management of client care. 1. Recognize effective verbal and written communication skills used as member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly • QSEN lesson • Working with classmates during practice and check- off of skills. • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical PROFESSIONALISM AND LEADERSHIP: Incorporate professional standards and scope of practice as a certificate practical nurse while pursuing professional growth within legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks. 2. Demonstrate safe and appropriate client care as a beginning nursing student within the ethical and legal framework of the nursing profession. 3. Describe values, beliefs, and attitudes related to health and wellness. 4. Identifies management and delegation competencies performed in the role of the LPN. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly • NAPNES Standards of Practice and Educational competencies of graduates of PN/VN nursing Programs • NDBON and National Federation of Licensed Practical nurses • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical CLIENT-CENTERED CARE: Provide culturally competent care for clients while promoting their self-determination and integrity. 5. Identifies caring behaviors, therapeutic communication skills and barriers to communication. 6. Demonstrate competence in basic nursing and basic assessment skills with respect to lifestyle choices, age, gender, cultural, and spiritual diversity. 7. Identify learning needs and strategies to provide health care information to clients regarding health care and safety issues with respect to their self- determination. • Assigned reading • Tegrity lecture • Quizzes • Proctored exams • Lab skills weekly • AIDET Lesson • QSEN lesson • Proctored exams 4, 8, 12, & 16 for Lab foundations. • Grading Rubric for lab skills and clinical
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