Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Grading Criteria: Your final grade is determined by dividing total points earned by total points possible. Points will be awarded for thoughtful posts of discussion boards, selected practice activities, reflections, and written reports. Course Outline: Our class is designed such that you may work ahead in the course; however, there are due dates which will not allow you to fall behind. Our class “week” runs Monday starting at 12:00AM through Sunday at 10:00PM. Grades will be calculated using the following criteria: A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69% F ≤ 59% Course Outline: Schedule (subject to change): Week Topic Week 1 Welcome Introductions Syllabus Standard Overview for Grades 6 – 8 Project 1 and Project 2 Outline Week 2 Grade 6: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Week 3 Grade 6: The Number System Week 4 Grade 6: Expressions and Equations Week 5 Grade 6: Geometry Week 6 Grade 6: Statistics and Probability Week 7 Grade 7: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Week 8 Grade 7: The Number System Project 1 Due Week 9 Grade 7: Expressions and Equations Week 10 Grade 7: Geometry Week 11 Grade 7: Statistics and Probability Week 12 Grade 8: The Number System Week 13 Grade 8: Expressions and Equations Week 14 Grade 8: Functions Week 15 Grade 8: Geometry Project 2 Due
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