Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

and 8. EDUC 315 Mathematics in the Elementary School will focus on planning, implementing and evaluating lesson plans for mathematics. ● Report on experiences working with children in middle school grades 6 – 8. ● During the course of the semester, if you are experiencing any problems (family difficulties, sick relatives, etc.) that are affecting your academic performance, you must inform me of such problems ASAP if you want me to take them into consideration. The sooner I know about a problem, the more understanding I will be. If you come to me during the last week of the semester, before grades are about to be assigned to discuss difficulties which have affected you throughout the term, you will find that I am not nearly as understanding and that I can do very little to help you with your grade. Course Objectives/Student Outcomes: ​ ​ The students will be able to: ● Demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical concepts taught at the elementary and middle school level. ● Communication to others an understanding of middle school – level mathematics by writing reflections and by explaining strategies and steps used in problem-solving. ● Use manipulatives and models to demonstrate and explain the mathematical processes used in problem-solving. ● Utilize many distinct problem-solving strategies. ● Demonstrate an understanding of developmental processes in learning mathematics through the selection of age-appropriate strategies. Instructor Responsibilities: ​ Instructors have a commitment to the students they teach, much like a student has responsibilities. Students in this course should expect the instructor to: ● Provide accurate information to students on the concepts being taught. ● Create lessons that encourage experimental and constructivist learning principles. ● Provide constructive feedback on all products and drafts within a week of their submission, hopefully sooner. ● Help guide students through the course material and their endeavors to provide an effective learning experience. ● Whenever possible, I will respond to emails within 1-2 business days (M-F) and 48 hours during the weekend. Relationship to Campus Theme: ​ This course develops mathematical skills that are used to teach mathematical concepts to students in the elementary/middle school classroom with the use of technology. Standards: ​ Curriculum alignment with ND State Standards and InTASC Standards North Dakota State Standard 50015.2d InTASC Standard #6 Assessment, Standard #7 Planning for Instruction and Standard #8 Instructional Strategies: Project 1 and Project 2