Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Finite Math MATH 104 Finite Math (3 semester credits) Course Description ​ : An extension of basic algebra to areas that have applications in the economic, behavior, social, and life science. Topics include systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, elementary probability and descriptive statistics. Prerequisite(s): ​ ASC 093 or ACT Math Score of 21 or Placement Test Instructor: ​ Harmony Richman Email: harmony.richman@vcsu.edu Office Phone: 701-845-7198 Cell Phone: 701-200-3897 Office Location: McFarland 427C Delivery Method: ​ Online Office Hours: ​ Stop by my office or virtual hours available through Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts or Facetime. Textbook: ​ Finite Mathematics 11 ​ th ​ Edition; Lial, Greenwell and Ritchey. ISBN-10: 0133864472 ISBN-13 9780133864472 Instructor Responsibilities: ​ Instructors have a commitment to the students they teach, much like a student has responsibilities. Students in this course should expect the instructor to: • Provide accurate information to students on the concepts being taught. • Create lessons that encourage experimental and constructivist learning principles. • Provide constructive feedback on all products and drafts within a week of their submission, hopefully sooner. • Help guide students through the course material and their endeavors to provide an effective learning experience. Whenever possible, I will respond to emails within 1-2 business days (M-F) and 48 hours during the weekend. Course Requirements ​ : Students who are in the college classroom either face-to-face or online have made the conscious choice to be a part of the course. In this course, you are