Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
5 Academic Integrity: At DCB the academic community operates on the basis of honesty and integrity. We expect that all students adhere to the standards outlined in the code of conduct established by the University system. This means that students are required to: • Submit their own work, which should not be plagiarized. • Students should not coordinate on oral or written examinations that are evaluated for points towards the final grade without the express authorization of the Instructor. Violations of the expressed academic principles (cheating, plagiarism and other academic improprieties) will be subject to review in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook on pages 18, 19 and 37 . http://www.dakotacollege.edu/handbook/ Class Participation Active participation is essential in the learning process. This includes active listening to lectures, feedback on course reading materials and participation in all group activities. Because of the length of the class, students should be prepared to discuss the appropriate readings as outlined in the course syllabus and be willing/able to discuss the topic at hand. In this case class participation and student attendance go hand and hand. Classroom Environment Our classroom is a safe place and comfortable learning environment. Student comments, and actions should be relevant to daily subject matter. Please note that students are expected to be respectful of their colleages by refraining from use of cellular devices, and limiting computer use to note taking only. Talking amongst peers is encouraged specifically in group activities as well as before and after class. Once class is in session students should be well read, and versed in the subject material and ready to work. While it is important to share opinions and ideas regarding the subject matter DISRESPECTFUL AND/OR THREATENING BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Such behavior will be reported to University officials, and if need be, the necessary authorities. For questions regarding these, and other university behavior policies, please refer to the following website: http://www.dakotacollege.edu/handbook/ ADA Compliance Students who require special accommodation, or services, should be registered with the University’s Resources Center, located in the Student Success Center; (701) 228-5477; Fax (701) 228- 5428; E-mail: melissa.k.fusselback@dakotacollege.edu . Once registered, please request that the DRC officially notify me of your accommodations/needs as soon as possible. Also, please plan to meet with me to discuss any required modifications to modes of instruction, assignments, or course requirements. http://www.dakotacollege.edu/handbook/
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