Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
MATH 103 - College Algebra 4 credits Instructor: Jessica Deichert Course Description : This course covers the following topics: • Linear and Quadratic Equations • Radicals • Exponents and Logarithms • Rational Expressions • Systems of Linear Equations • Functional Notation • Graphing Functions Prerequisite: MATH 102 Intermediate Algebra, ASC 93 Algebra Prep III, placement by math placement test or instructor approval. Course Objectives : The student will be introduced to the topics above which require certain techniques for solutions. We will develop ideas and methods for applying these techniques leading to a solution or resolution of the question. During the course the student will be exposed to the use and application of the graphics calculator in the appropriate areas. See Course Objectives Part 2 for more details. Class Schedule: MWThF 7:40am - 8:30am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:40am-8:30am 7:40am-8:30am 7:40am-8:30am 7:40am-8:30am Instructor: Jessica Deichert Phone : (701) 597-3355 E-mail : jessica.deichert@k12.nd.us
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