Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: HPER 101 Activity – Weight Training Number of credits: .5 Instructor: Travis Rybchinski Office: Thatcher Hall 127 Office Hours: Phone: 701-228-5450 Email: travis.rybchinski@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Tuesdays at 9:00 AM and/or hours arranged or Thursdays at 9:00 AM and/or hours arranged Course Description: Students will learn the basic lifelong skills, knowledge, and strategies used in weight training and conditioning. Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Objectives: - To learn basic lifts to gain strength and conditioning of muscles in the body. - To learn different conditioning programs through various methods of training. - To expose the students to a variety of experiences and demonstrations that may enable the student to make lifelong healthy exercise decisions. - To properly learn how to work and maintain the fitness equipment. Textbook(s): None Course Requirements: Attendance and Participation Tentative Course Outline: Students will set goals and we will work on workout and conditioning programs to benefit each individual. General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 6 – to promote the management and use of physical activity Goal 9 – to develop lifelong learning skills