Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

2 Assessments: Evaluation: Scheduled Date: Point Value: Identification Quiz 1 10 Identification Quiz 2 10 Identification Quiz 3 10 Identification Quiz 4 10 Identification Quiz 5 10 Art Evaluation Assignment 20 Gallery Evaluation Assignment 20 Independent Artifact Assessment 1 15 Independent Artifact Assessment 2 15 Group Assignment 10 Reading Response 1 10 Reading Response 2 10 Reading Response 3 10 Reading Response 4 10 Midterm Assignment 30 Final Assignment 50 Totals: 300 Course Assignments: Students will be responsible for the above outlined assessments. Requirements are delineated as follows. Identification Quiz: Students will be asked to identify 5 objects of visual culture. Date of production, title and geographic area of production are required for total points. Each ID has a point value of 2 points per item. Art Evaluation Assignment: Students will select one out of five available visual objects for examination. Students will have to identify in a short three paragraph in class essay the following: historical and global context the item was produced, clear identification of art forms and design, discuss the role of artists in the contribution of ideologies that reflect the impact of art within the contemporary society. Gallery Evaluation Assignment: Students will select an online gallery exhibition. Students will identify in a short three paragraph in class essay the following: 1. Explain the purpose of the exhibition. 2. What is the curatorial vision? 3. How does the arrangement of artifacts tell a story? 4. How can gallery exhibitions teach modern viewers about the cultures and civilizations of the past? Independent Artifact Assessments: Students will be required to select an artifact for examination. The instructor will provide the assignment to students. Group Assignment: Students will be divided into groups by the Instructor. While the students will work together as a group, each student must turn in their own written version of the assignment. Reading Response: Students are responsible for submitting a paragraph long reading response to the assigned reading. This response will include a reaction to the art forms discussed in the text and a brief analysis of the historical contexts in which it was produced.