Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Submission of assignments after the due date are at the instructor's sole discretion. I will try to accommodate personal, academic, and professional issues that may affect a student's ability to complete an assignment on time but only if the student communicates with me. It is the student's responsibility to manage their time efficiently and contact me as soon as there is a problem. If you need an extension on a due date, you must contact me no later than the due date to request an extension--there will be no exceptions to this policy. Weekly discussions remain open for a week after the due date--you do not need an extension to submit during that time period. Tentative Course Outline Week 1: Native North Dakota Week 2: Early Native-European Contact Week 3: The Fur Trade & Early Settlement QUIZ 1 Week 4: Boom Week 5: Statehood THESIS STATEMENT DUE Week 6: The Children's Blizzard Week 7: Depression and 2nd Boom QUIZ 2 Week 8: Progressivism and Socialism Week 9: WWI Week 10: The Twenties QUIZ 3 ESSAY DRAFT DUE Week 11: The Thirties Week 12: Plains Folk Week 13: WWII Week 14: The Postwar Years QUIZ 4 Week 15: Through to the Centennial & Beyond FINAL ESSAY DUE Week 16: Catch Up Week and Final Exam FINAL EXAM Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online and asynchronous. General Education Goal & Objective: Goal 4: Demonstrates effective communication Objective 1: Expresses ideas through effective writing  Skill 1: Uses the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing.  Skill 2: Analyzes the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience, and then accomplish that task with clarity.  Skill 3: Demonstrates competent writing that includes a clear, original thesis or claim, appropriate evidence and support, a logical structure, and a style of language that serves the writer's purpose and audience.  Skill 4: Uses Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and presents written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting.