Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Lecture Schedule Reading assignment Lab schedule Week 1 Chapter #1 p. 3-25 introduction No Lab Chapter #2 p. 29-41 minerals Week 2 Chapter #2 p. 41-51 igneous rocks Mineral identification Week 3 Chapter #3 p. 55-76 Week4 Chapter #4 p. 83-109 volcanism Igneous Rock identification Exam #1 Chapters #1-4 Week 5 Chapter #5 p. 113-133 weathering & soil Soil lab Week 6 Chapter # 6 p. 137-165 sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rock identification Week 7 Chapter #7 p. 169-190 metamorphic rock Metamorphic rock id Week 8 Chapter #8 p. 193-216 Geologic time Geologic time Exam #2 Chapters #5-8 Fossil Lab Week 9 Chapter # 9 p. 221-244 mass wasting Chapter #10 p. 247-280 streams & floods Week 10 chapter #11 p. 283-303 Ground water Week 11 chapter #12 p. 307-335 Glaciers topographic maps Exam #3 Chapters #9-12 Week 12 Chapter #15 p. 383-403 Geologic structures Week 13 Chapter #16 Earthquakes Earthquake location lab Week 14 Chapter #19 p. 407-438 plate tectonics Week 15 chapter #20 p. 491-522 Mountain building Chapter #21 p. 527-548 Geologic resources Week 16 chapter #22 p. 551-579 Planets & solar system Final Lab presentations Exam #4 Chapters 15,16, 19-22 Final lab project Due Dec.7 Week 17 Final Exam Dec. 10 General Education Goals/Objectives: 1.Demonstrates the application of the scientific method of inquiry, associated technology and critical thinking/analysis skills. 2. Identify the processes of the natural environment and their impact. 3.Apply scientific information and principles to everyday life. Relationship to Campus Theme: A greater understanding of the Earth, Earth’s resources and its companions in the solar system will lead to a greater respect for the environment. components of technology will lead to this understanding. Students will explore career options for their future. Classroom Policies: All work must be done in a timely fashion. All assignments are open and have due Dates. If you miss a deadline for a quiz or exam, and wish to make it up let me know so I can Open it for you, missed quizzes and exams will be worth 70%. All make-up work must be completed within one week. Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected, any violations is sufficient grounds for immediate failure and removal from class. Cell phones must be turned off during class time. Disabilities and Special Needs: Any student who has a disability that may prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact disability services Jacalyn Migler 228-567 2 jacalyn.migler@dakotacollege.edu to discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate his or her educational opportunities.