Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

September 26 Modernist Manifestos pp. 1499-1513; Imagism; H. D. pp. 1514-1515; “Mid-day” pp.1515-1516; “Leda” pp 1516-1517; Lowell pp. 1349-1350; “Venus Transiens” pp1352; “September 1918” p. 1353; Pound pp.1477-1479; “In a Station in the Metro”p. 1482; “The River merchant’s Wife: A letter” p. 1482; Williams pp.1462-1464; “The Young Housewife” p1464; “The Red Wheelbarrow pp11469; “The Dance” pp1473; “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” pp1475-1476; Stephens 1439-1441; “Disillusionment of Ten O’clock” pp. 1443; “Anecdote of the Jar” p. 1446 September 28 Eliot pp. 1574-1576; “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock” pp. 1577-1580; The Hollow Men” 1599-1602 October 1 Moore pp1531-1532; “Poetry” pp. 1532-1533; “What are Years” p. 1535; “The Paper Nautilus” pp1535-1536; Millay pp. 1803-1804; “Recuerdo” p1804; “I, being born a woman” p.1805; “I Too Beneath Your Moon, Almighty Sex” p. 1806; “Apostrophe to Man” pp. 1805-1806; Mina Loy p. 1456 “Parturition” pp. 1457-1459 October 3 Midterm October 5 Frost pp. 1388-1389; “Mending Wall’ pp1390; “The Death of the hired Man” pp. 1391-1395; “After Apple Picking” pp. 1398;” The Road Not Taken” pp. 1399-1400; Nothing Gold Can Stay” p. 1403; “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” pp. 1403-1404. First Paper Due October 8 Assessment Day October 10 Sandburg pp 1436-1437; “Chicago” p 1437-1438; “Fog” p 1438; “Grass” p. 1439; Cummings pp. 1807-1808; “in Just” pp. 1809; “next to of course god America I” p1811; “pity this busy monster,manunkind” p.1816 October 12 Fitzgerald pp. 1822-1823; “Winter Dreams” pp. 1823-1839; “Babylon Revisited” pp. 1839-1853. October 15 Hemmingway pp. 1980-1982; “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” pp. 1983-1999 October 17 Johnson pp.1019-1020; Autoiography of an Ex-Coloured Man pp,1021-1038; Dunbar pp. 1038- 1039; “We Wear the Mask” p. 1043; “Sympathy” pp. 1043-1044;Wright pp 2066-2067; “The Man Who was Almost a Man” pp. 2067-2075 October 19 Drama