Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
3 Relationship to Campus Theme: Students will read, discuss, and apply human nature and culture as it is revealed in works of different genres of literature (fiction, poetry, and drama, to name a few). Classroom Policies: There will be three major essays , all of which must be submitted to the correct dropbox. All major papers must be saved and submitted as a Microsoft Word document or saved in an RTF format. If you’re unsure how to do this, please make accommodations in order to learn how. Failure to submit in the proper format will result in a failure for the assignment. Please save copies of every assignment or project that you submit to the dropbox or e-mail me -- this is for your own records. Participation: Participation is a significant part of your grade, and if you are not “present,” then you obviously cannot participate. To be a successful college student, consistent and constructive participation each week of class is essential and expected. Habitual negligence of your coursework can result in a significant negative impact on your overall grade and financial aid status, and if there has been a significant lack of participation or submissions for two weeks or more, you should not expect to pass the course and may be asked to withdraw. Late Work Policy: All assignments are due as stated on the course calendar (schedule) or as announced via Moodle. Late work is not accepted -- no exceptions. All unit assignments are due by 11:55 p.m. on Sunday. A few things on this topic: You should not wait until Sunday night to begin the week’s work nor ask for extra time because your computer or internet connection went out. I will have no way to verify such occurrences. Lastly, students are responsible for meeting all specified deadlines -- no exceptions. Professionalism: In this class, you are a professional-in-training and as such will act like one. Remember that professionals are people who earn and give respect based on their actions. I insist on a class that maintains respect regarding others’ ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. At any time, if I feel students are not respecting each other or me, I will deal with the situation accordingly. This may require removing the disrespectful student(s) from the class altogether, in which case those students will be required to receive administrative consent before returning. Threaded Discussions: To receive full credit for a discussion post, a student will do the following: Respond and fully address the initial question; reply with a substantive post to two or more peers and follows up on questions asked of you while the discussion is current according to the weekly schedule. Note: A substantive reply is one that acknowledges what peers have said, expands on what was said, asks questions, or otherwise re-engages and expands the discussion. Formatting Assignments: The body text of all assignments will be formatted in double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, on a page setup with one-inch margins on every side. Always include your name, my name, assignment name, and due date in the upper left-hand corner. If you make your fonts or your margins bigger, I can tell. Don’t do it -- it makes you look lazy and silly. I don’t accept .pages or Google docs assignments.
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