Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

points of “The Power of Context” Applying Logos, Ethos, Pathos to “The Power of Context” assigned Week 10 – beginning Oct. 22 Chapter 24 Primer 1 due Primer 2: Identify main points of “Where Have all the Criminals Gone?” Assigned Week 11- beginning Oct. 29 Chapter 25 Primer 2 Due Week 12 – Beginning Nov. 5 Chapter 26 Workshop 3 Week 13 – beginning Nov. 12 Chapter 27 Paper 3 due + Research Journal assigned Week 14 – beginning Nov. 19 Chapter 28 Paper 4 assigned + Research Journal Part A Due Week 15 – Beginning Nov. 26 Chapter 29 Research Journal Due Part B Due Week 16 – Beginning Dec. 3 Chapter 30 Workshop 4 Week 17 – Beginning Dec. 10 (Missing work is due) Finals Week Paper 4 due Thursday, Dec. 13 by 4pm. General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 4: Demonstrates effective communication Objective 1: Expresses ideas through effective writing Objective 2: Reads at a level that allows participation in collegiate studies and chosen careers Objective 3: Uses information resources effectively Objective 4: Works collaboratively with others Relationship to Campus Theme: