Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Syllabus: Composition II Fall 2018 August 21: Introduce Class Lecture: The Research paper process Introduce the first paper. The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 9: Arguing for Causes or Effects pp 385-386; Analyzing Causal Arguments pp. 387-391; Guide to Writing pp. 418-419 August 23: The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Readings pp. 391-400; Writing a Draft: Invention, Research, and Composing pp. 420-430 August 28: Select a tentative topic for the first paper. The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 19; Arguing: Asserting a Thesis pp. 582-585; Outlining pp.492-494; Asserting a Thesis pp. 425-426; Chapter 20: Planning a Research Project pp. 608-602; Chapter 21 Finding Sources and Conducting Field Research pp. 609-624 Lecture Thesis development, Research, and Annotated Bibliography Students need to bring Laptops August 30: Thesis statement and working outline due Library Worksheet due Lecture: Who owns information? Ethical use of information; Plagiarism: Accidental vs. deliberate The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 22: Evaluating Sources pp. 631; Chapter 23: Using Sources to Support Your Ideas pp. 632-643 Assign Bibliographical entry, and paraphrase with the original text and paraphrase worksheet Students need to bring Laptops September 4: Bibliographical entry, and paraphrase with the original text due; Paraphrase worksheet due Lecture: Documentation The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Citing and Documenting Sources in MLA Style pp. 644-673 September 6: Annotated Bibliography due Lecture: Types of Support The St Martin’s Guide to Writing : Giving reasons and Support; pp. 585-494 September 11: Research notes due The St Martin’s Guide to Writing Review Outlining pp.492-494; Review Drafting pp. 425-430 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology: Bernard Cooper, “A clack of Tiny Sparks: Remembrances of a Gay Boyhood” pp. 120-129