Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
4 Engl 110 Course Syllabus General Education Objectives: The following competencies will reflect the contribution of the College Composition I to the General Education Objectives and are assessed as part of the course as well as part of the assessment of learning outcomes of the General Education Curriculum. Competency: Students will be able to write in different essay types or genres for a variety of audiences and in a variety of contexts. Students will be aware and will practice inventing, planning, drafting, and revising. Sub-Competencies: ▪ Use the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing. ▪ Analyze the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience, and then accomplish that task with clarity. ▪ Demonstrate competence academic writing through finished writing that includes clear, original ideas, appropriate evidence and support, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience. ▪ Use Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and present written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting. Competency: Read at a level that allows students to participate in collegiate studies and chosen careers. Sub-Competencies: ▪ Anticipate and understand the structure and organization of written work. ▪ Recognize an author’s purpose and forms of support. ▪ Evaluate the effectiveness and validity of an author’s style, organization, support, evidence, and presentation. ▪ Demonstrate awareness of the connection that style and language have to an author’s topic, audience, context, and purpose. ▪ Assimilate and connect information and ideas from multiple written sources. Relationship to Campus Theme: For one of the assignments, students will define a concept or explain a process relevant to the campus theme: nature, technology, and beyond. Classroom Policies: ▪ Late and Missed Work: Work is due at the beginning of class or it is late. Late work will be marked 5% off the first day and 2% for each subsequent day it is late. Work will not be taken two weeks after the original due date. ▪ Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class sessions of any course for which they are registered. Students who know they will be absent from any class should contact the instructor in advance. Students are responsible for making up any work missed. For every three (3) classes missed, I reserve the right to lower your term grade one full letter grade (5%). Being late more than 25 minutes will count as an absence. ▪ Late Attendance: If a student is late, they should enter the classroom quietly without disturbing instruction. ▪ Technology: All electronics will be silenced. Unless stated for a specific lecture, no electronics are permitted in class this includes laptops, cellphones, and tablets. If an urgent call is received, students may quietly step out to receive the call.
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