Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

EDUC 298 Introduction to Education Practicum Mrs. Kaley Mills Fall 2018 Dakota College at Bottineau Course Requirements: Description of Assignment/Assessment CEC Standard Points Discussion Forums: Complete four discussion forums 1. Before Going Out – Identify the school and class you will be observing, and the education meeting you will attend 2. Learning Styles- Reflect on different learning styles you saw in the classroom 3. In the Classroom – Informal reflection on the observation 4. At the Meeting – Informal reflection on the meeting SEP9S10, SEP9S11 5pt each X 4 =20 Classroom Observation: Student will observe a teacher’s classroom for one entire day SEP3S1. SEP5S3 SEP9S7. SEP9S8 SEP9S10,SEP9S13 SEP10S5 20 Educational Meeting Observation: Student will attend at least one education meeting (example: school board meeting) SEP9S7. SEP9S19 SEP9S13 10 Evaluation Forms: Student will submit a signed teacher evaluation form, signed meeting attendance form and a self-assessment report SEP9S12 20 Observation Reaction Paper: Student will submit one written reflection based upon each of these experiences and their relation to the student outcomes of the course. SEP3S1, SEP5S3 SEP9S7, SEP9S8 SEP9S10, SEP9S11 SEP9S13 ,SEP10S5 20 Praxis Assignment: Explore the Praxis website. Locate information about state test requirements to become a licensed teacher. Identify the Praxis tests you will need to gain a specific licensure. SEP9S10 10 Total points: 100 Grades: Grades are earned through points and converted into a percentage. Percentages are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Grades are assigned to percentages as follows: Percent Grade 90-100% A Target 80-89% B Acceptable-high 70-79% C Acceptable-low 61-70% D Unacceptable 0-59% F Unacceptable