Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

● Students must not cooperate on oral or written exams or quizzes or work collaboratively on other assignments unless authorized by the instructor. ● Students will hand in assignments and assessments on the due date specified. ● Completion of the assigned readings is imperative to your professional development. ● Students are expected to attend class and participate in class discussions. Attendance and participation may be factored into your final grade. The student is responsible for the information presented in class whether they are in attendance or not. Confidentiality: The experiences or problems shared by classmates during class time should not be discussed outside of class. This is part of the professional code of ethics. Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact your instructor and Jackie Migler (701-228-5672) in Disability Support Services as early as possible in the beginning of the semester.