Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
needs assessment, attendance, testing Procedures -Nature of teaching, 6 propositions Week 2 - August 28, 30 Philosophy of Education, developing your stance Chapter 3 due September 4 Week 3 - September 4, 6 Getting to Know Your Students and Families Chapter 4 due September 11 Week 4 - September 11, 13 Providing Inclusive and Responsive Instruction EXAM 1 (Chapters 1-4) Supplemental reading Week 5 – September 16, 20 Mandated Reporter training online Video of Fat City Readings will be assigned, 1st draft of your educational philosophy Week 6 - September 25, 27 Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted/Talented, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Read Chapter 5 for October 2 Week 7 - October 2,4 Planning for Instruction (SMART goals, Data driven planning) Chapter 6 due October 11 Lesson plan due October 16 Week 8 - October 9, 11 MIDTERM Lesson Plans Organizing Your Instruction Chapter 7 due October 16 Week 9 - October 16, 18 Instructional Models and Strategies Lesson plan due Chapter 8 due October 23
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