Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

will be based on these points. Student may bring their laptops/tablets to follow along with PowerPoints and the CONNECT program. Tests: Tests will be given in class through the CONNECT accounting program or through paper/pencil test. Students will be expected to bring their laptop or tablet to class for tests. If a student does not have access to a laptop or tablet, the DCB library had computers to use. For tests, a proctor will need to be arranged and needs to be communicated with your instructor in advance to allow time for those arrangements. Absences and Assignment/Test Due Dates: You are expected to attend every class. If a missed class occurs, it is your responsibility to obtain the missed information on your own. All assignments are due when they are due! There will not be late submissions on any assignments to help us keep on track. If an emergency arises, it is your responsibility to take care of arrangements in advance with your instructor for assignments that are due or you will receive a “0.” You are expected to take a test when it is given. In case of an emergency, you must contact your instructor before the scheduled test or you will receive a “0.” Electronic Devices: Turn off cellular phones or any electronic devices in the classroom. I will not tolerate texting, playing games, watching videos or anything else that is disruptive to the class and others around you. You will be asked once to put the phone away, if asked again you will be asked to leave. Academic Integrity: The academic community operates on honesty, integrity, and fair play. It is the expectation that all students, and members of the college community, adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity. Violations of academic improprieties will be handled using the guidelines outlined in DCB’s Student Handbook. Plagiarism: To plagiarize is to “steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own” ( Webster’s Dictionary ). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. When completing a research paper, it is necessary to cite all information gathered from other sources - including direct quotations and paraphrases - within the text of the paper using parenthetical notes at the end of the documents in a works cited list. A handout regarding the MLA guidelines is available at the writing center if you would like further information. Students are expected to follow MLA guidelines for the research paper. If you have any questions - please contact myself or go to the learning center for more information. Students found plagiarizing material will receive a “0” for the assignment. Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student found to be cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment; an additional incidence of cheating will result in the student being dismissed from the course. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, for which you need extra assistance, please inform me immediately. If you have already met with Student Development personnel, please provide me with information regarding your special needs as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made regarding your special needs as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made.