Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
EDUC220 Classroom Management Syllabus - Online Tanya R. Mooney, M.Ed. Spring 2018 Dakota College at Bottineau Required Textbooks and Materials: Weinstein, C.S., Romano, M.E., & Mignano, Jr., A. (2015). Elementary Classroom management: Lessons from research and practice, 6 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0073010367 Grades: Grades are earned through points and converted into a percentage. Late work is accepted with a 10% deduction, a few late grades can drop the course grade drastically so please submit work on time. Percentages are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Grades are assigned to percentages as follows: Percent Grade 90-100% A Target 80-89% B Acceptable-high 70-79% C Acceptable-low 61-70% D Unacceptable 0-59% F Unacceptable Course Assignments: Description of Assignment/Assessment Points Possible Points Received Course Requirements Quiz (10 pts) Class Introductions & Due Dates (20 pts) 30 Reflections & Active Participation: Students are required to participate in the course each week. This includes logging in to the course 3 times a week. Students will engage in a weekly discussion called a “Philosophy Builder” to develop a person stance on important issues or concepts they learned from the week’s reading/objective. (Philosophy Builders = 10 pts x 15 PB = 150 pts) 150 Classroom Management Plan Items(CMP): Students are required to develop a classroom management plan that is designed to be incorporated in a future classroom. (1x25 + 6 x 50 pts ea) 325 Classroom Management Plan Presentation: Students will select an appropriate mode of creating the classroom management plan with the audience in mind (ie. parents, future employers). This requires putting all the CMP items together in a professional display. 150 Final Exam: The final exam will consist of four essay questions which are designed to assess mastery of the course objectives. 150 Total Points Possible & Received: 805 /805 Academic and Institution Policies: Academic Integrity The academic community is operated on the basis of honesty, integrity and fair play. It is the expectation that all students, as members of the college community, adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity. This means that students are responsible for submitting their own work. Student work must not be plagiarized. Students must not
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