Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

INTIAL POST(60 total points): For each initial post, you need to evaluate/analyze the discussion question using appropriate economic terminology in your work in at least 3-4 paragraphs. It is important to make sure you are using proper sources and use of the economic terminology as this is what you are being graded on. When evaluating the discussion question, make sure that you are not summarizing the discussion question, but extending the analysis of the discussion question through the use of the terminology found in the text. You need to label your initial post as the following in the discussion thread with the following subject. LAST NAME. INITIAL POST. For example, BERGAN. INITIAL POST #1 PEER RESPONSES(20 total points each, 40 total points): You will be responding to 2 students or to any of my questions that I post. For each peer response, you need to respond with at least a one paragraph response doing the same routine as you did for the initial post. It is important to make sure that with your development with your peer response that you are extending your analysis. Each post should be "value added." In other words, your posts should further the thread topics; show that you have learned something from our readings, or outside research; bring anecdotal, life experiences to the threaded issues; ask relevant and forward moving questions; or otherwise promote the course objectives for the week. Posts like "I agree," or "Great post" are nice, good-will posts--but do not count as a graded post. Requirements of submission: You will write an initial post (3-4 paragraph response) to the discussion forum and you will reply to two posts during the week. Those may be in reply to comments on your initial post or to other students. A response needs to have more depth than “I agree” or “you are wrong.” A peer response can be classified to any of the questions I post within the week, as well. Your grade will be determined by your overall involvement in the forum and will be made up of three elements. Critical Elements Distinguished (A) Proficient (B) Emerging (C) Not Evident (F) Percentage Critical Thinking You have a well-thought- out initial post and two peer responses and your first post is by Thursday You have a well- thought-out initial post and at least one substantive responses and first post by Thursday You have a well-thought- out initial post and responded to one post and did not get first post by Thursday You had no initial post and/or failed to respond to anyone 40 Application Your posts showed you answered the question; you demonstrated that you understood the course concepts. You had application within your work and appropriate use of economic terms. Your length for your Your posts showed you answered the question; you did not completely understand the course concepts, did not address all parts of the questions and use appropriate use of economic terms in your work. Your length for your peer responses and Your post showed you struggled to answer the question; you did not understand the course concepts and lacked application and depth of economic terms. Your length of your peer responses and initial post Your posts did not answer the question. 40