Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Healthcare Law and Ethics – AH 231 Number of credits : 3 Course Description: This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of medical law and ethics helping them to understand the multiple legal and ethical issues encountered in the healthcare setting. Course Objectives : Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: • Describe similarities and differences between law and ethics. • Describe criminal actions that relate to the healthcare worker. • Describe conduct that may result in the loss of a license/certification for a healthcare professional. • Describe the term “standard of care.” • Describe various types of medical malpractice. • Define patient’s rights and patient self-determination acts. • Define differences between licensure and certification. • Describe confidentiality and the patient’s medical record. • Describe ethical issues relating to life and death. Instructor: Joey Clemens, RN, BSN Email: joey.clemens@dakotacollege.edu Textbook : Fundamentals of Law & Health Informatics and Information Management, ISBN 978-1-58426-073- 8 Course Requirements : • The student is expected to read the chapter. • The student is expected to review the PowerPoint slides. • The student is expected to complete the chapter quizzes and exam. • Once the quiz or test due date has passed, it will not be reopened. • Late assignments will be docked 10% per day. I do understand that emergencies happen, so please communicate with me. Arrangements can be made for a new due date following an emergency or unforeseen circumstance, but ONLY if arrangements are made before the original due date. There is a cut-off date of one week following an assignment due date. If assignments are not submitted within seven days following the due date no credit will be given unless arrangements have been made previously. • A comprehensive final exam will be completed at the conclusion of 17 chapters. • A letter grade will be awarded upon the completion of the course. Course Evaluation Method: Final grades will be based on 595 points in this course. • 6 chapter case studies worth 10 points each • 17 chapter quizzes worth 10 points each • 4 chapter exams worth 60 points each • Final exam worth 125 points 536 to 595 A = 90% 476 to 535 B = 80% 417 to 475 C = 70% 358 to 416 D = 60% 357 and below =FAIL Academic Integrity : Respect for fellow students and the instructor is required. All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Dishonesty in the classroom or laboratory and with assignments, quizzes and exams is a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and college administration. For more information, refer to the Student Handbook.
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