Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
4 | P a g e GRADING POLICY Assignments will be given frequently. These assignments will come in a variety of forms, including problem sets, in-class activities, and a semester-long project. This project will be grouped into six parts and will be worth 100 points total. There will be three exams covering the material that we go over in class. Exams will be worth 100 points each. Assignments will vary in size, but should end up totaling about 190 points. Late Assignments: In-class assignments may or may not be made up depending on your communication with me. If you have notified me before the class meeting that you will not be present, you will be allowed to complete a related assignment. Out-of-class assignments will incur a mandatory 20% deduction if they are not completed at the start of class on the due date. An additional 10% deduction will be applied per class session that assignments are late. The deduction is capped at 50%. In other words, you may submit any assignment (excluding exams) at any time prior to the Final Exam for half credit. In order to make up an exam, you must notify me and schedule a makeup time prior to the exam or provide documentation of an extenuating circumstance that caused you to miss the exam. Unless an extreme extenuating circumstance occurs, you must be present for the Final Exam to pass the course. Attendance and Grading Scale: Regular attendance is highly encouraged. If you are unable to attend class, notify me in advance. As previously noted, in-class assignments will not be able to be made up unless you have given me prior notice. Grading Scale: A = 90%-100%, B = 80%-89%, C = 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, F = 59% and below DISABILITY STATEMENT Williston State College is committed to providing equal access to students. If you have a disability which may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this course that requires accommodations, you must first register with Accessibility Support Services. Please note that classroom accommodations cannot be provided until your instructors receive an Accommodations Form, signed by you and the Accessibility Support Services Coordinator. IMPORTANT DATES • Last day to drop: August 29, 2018 • Last day to withdraw: November 9, 2018 • For important dates concerning holidays, last date to withdraw from class, etc., please visit the WSC catalog available on the website : www.willistonstate.edu .
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