Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
EC 236 Social & Emotional Development and Guidance - Online Tanya Tanya R. Mooney, M.Ed. 2013 Fall 2018 Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Keep this syllabus for reference throughout the semester Course Title: Social/Emotional Development & Guidance Instructor: Tanya R. Mooney, M.Ed. Course Prefix/Number: EC 236 Office: Online Class Location: Online Office Hours: Online and by Appointment Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online Instructor Contact Information: Email: mrsmooney3@gmail.com Credits: 3 Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Description: This course involves the study of classroom management, motivation, building self-esteem, positive discipline strategies and social and emotional development in children. Topics include approaches to guiding children’s behavior, managing the environments, rules and limits, problem behaviors appreciating oneself and others, dealing with separation, providing appropriate support for children, preventing child abuse, promoting success with appropriate materials and activities, interacting through play and developing friendships. Students develop a personal philosophy of child guidance. Relationship to Campus Theme: This course explores the DCB campus theme—nature, technology, and beyond— through intentional case studies of how the world around us affects learning. The purpose of the Education and Human Development Discipline is to educate students for careers as paraeducators, teachers, early childhood professionals, and adult caregivers. Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will: - Learn to promote children’s self-awareness and self-esteem through verbal and nonverbal communication - Identify and describe factors that contribute to aggressive behavior in children and strategies that help reduce children’s aggressive behavior and give them alternative ways to cope with aggression - Identify and describe children’s physical, psychological and behavioral reactions to stress and identify strategies for helping children copy effectively with stress. - Identify and describe ways to help children develop positive peer relationships and friendships and identify teaching strategies that foster children’s development of interpersonal skills
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