Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
EC 210 INTRO TO EARLY CHILDHOOD Kaley Mills Fall 2018 DAKOTA COLLEGE BOTTINEAU Course Syllabus Keep this syllabus for reference throughout the semester Course Description: This course provides comprehensive coverage of early childhood professions, the field’s historical, philosophical, and social foundations, and the conditions that affect programs for children. In addition, the course examines stages of development and current childcare topics and issues. Relationship to Campus Theme: The goal of the Paraprofessional Early Childhood program is to prepare professionals to work as an early childhood professional and provide an educational continuum for degree advancement. The paraprofessional program is committed to hands-on learning and uses field experiences early childhood settings as common instructional techniques. Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will: • Students will compare and contrast the major existing theories that influence early childhood education. • Students will recognize and incorporate play as a primary tool for children in the acquisition of knowledge and the construction of understanding. • Students will use and explain the rationale for developmentally appropriate methods that include play, small group projects, open-ended questioning, group discussion, problem solving, cooperative learning, and inquiry experiences to help young children develop intellectual curiosity, solve problems, and make decisions. • Students will use a variety of strategies to encourage children's physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, and cognitive development. Course Title: Introduction to Early Childhood Instructor: Kaley Mills Course Prefix/Number: EC 210 Class Location: ONLINE Office Hours: Monday- Friday *4:30-6:30 I will be available for emails and phone calls* Lecture/Lab Schedule: ONLINE Instructor Contact Information: Email: kaley.mills@dakotacollege.edu Emails will be checked daily Credits: 3 Pre-/Co-requisites: None
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