Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: CSCI 101 – Introduction to Computers Number of credits: 3 credits Course Description: This course provides students with an overview of general hardware and software issues such as terminology and environments. The focus on the use of application software includes word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software. Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Objectives: • Students will learn the fundamentals of Office 2016 and demonstrate abilities by completing a variety of tasks and exams • To expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool • To acquaint students with the proper procedures to create documents, worksheets, databases, and presentations suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use • To help students discover the underlying functionality of Office 2016 so that they can become more productive • To develop an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing • To encourage independent study Instructor: Mrs. Kayla O’Toole Office: Thatcher Hall, Room 203 Office Hours: 9:00-10:00 AM on M,W,F or by Arrangement Phone: 701-228-5479 Email: kayla.otoole@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Thatcher 212 - M, W, F from 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM Textbook(s): Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2016 / Adkins, Hawkins, Hain, Murre Wolf ©2017 / Pearson / Book Only Course Requirements: Instruction procedures include lecture, class discussion and participation, individual assistance and tests. Grading Methods • Quizzes • Projects • Daily Assignments
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