Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
CSCI 101 Syllabus–2018 Fall—Page 2 Classroom Policies ‐Attendance: Attendance will be taken in the form of a quiz that cannot be made up if you are absent. If you miss a class for any reason, you will be held responsible for all material covered and announcements made in your absence. Class time will include opportunities to work on assignments with individualized instruction. It is necessary to come to class to learn the material in this course. Students are encouraged to ask questions during the lecture. More personal attention to questions can be entertained after class or by email. ‐Assignments: Bring your textbook to class each day. There will be assignments to prepare for each class period. In order to maximize your hands on learning and class time, it is asked that assignments are completed before coming to class. Assignments will be handed in by Email or Blackboard: Students have a campus e‐mail address assigned when they are accepted for admission. ‐Testing: No test will be given other than the scheduled testing date and time—no exceptions. Talking or leaving the classroom during a test will not be permitted. ‐Grading: is the accumulation of in‐class activities, assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam for total points. Grading outline is 100‐90%= A, 89‐80%=B, 79‐70%=C, 69%‐60=D, below 60%=F. ‐Attendance/Missed Classes: This policy is influenced by the college's absence policy. Dakota College at Bottineau expects students to attend all sessions of each class in which they are enrolled. See attendance in the Dakota College at Bottineau student handbook on the web at http://www.dakotacollege.edu/pdf/studenthandbook.pdf . Attendance is required. An emergency situation would constitute an “excused” absence while students are still required to complete all class activities and are responsible for all material covered and changes in the schedule. An excused absence is generally accepted and understood as being religious observances, university activities, illness and other emergency type circumstances. Excused absences will be handled on an individual basis. If you simply tell me, you will not be attending class; the absence will be designated "unexcused" until documentation is provided verifying your circumstance as defined as excused. Absences due to conditions such as lack of transportation, conflict with an appointment, etc. will be considered unexcused. ‐Late Work: In the case of an extraordinary and well‐documented circumstance class activities can be made‐up, the instructor will need to be contacted before the absence and these occurrences will be handled on an individual basis. In non‐emergency cases or without appropriate written documentation late assignments will not be accepted. ‐Exams & Final Exam Schedule: Students must be in attendance on the day scheduled for exams. Failing to be present will result in an F. Final exams are scheduled based on class lecture periods. Our final exam is on Wednesday Dec 12, 2018. http://www.minotstateu.edu/records/exams.shtml ‐Classroom Etiquette: Students are expected to observe classroom etiquette and common courtesy to the instructor and fellow classmates. Cell phones and other devices are to be silenced during class. If you receive an emergency communication, please excuse yourself from the room. Be on time however if you must be late please seat yourself as close to the entrance as possible and avoid any disruption. From “ Assignments” above : You are asked that assignments are read & completed before coming to class therefore you will know what files are needed for discussion from your homework assignments. Refrain from using the computer or printer during class for things other than in‐class activities. If you do this during class, you will be asked to leave and lose any points for that day.
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