Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Wednesday Nov 28 Persuasive Speeches (7-9 minutes) Friday Nov 30 Persuasive Speeches (7-9 minutes) Monday Dec 3 Prep for Impromptu Speeches Wednesday Dec 5 Impromptu Speeches Friday Dec 7 Wrap up. Last day of class Relationship to Campus Theme: A focus on awareness of our impact in the world and on our environment. Discussion of utilizing new technologies to communicate and share information with small and mass groups of people. Students will also understand how to utilize these new ideologies and tools to their benefit, as well as the benefit of the world and society as a whole as emerging leaders. Classroom Policies: Absences and Assignment Due Dates: If a student must miss class, he/she must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the class period if they plan to make up work. Late assignments will be docked 10% per day late. This is the policy for all assignments in all circumstances. If you email me an assignment, you will get a reply from me to verify that I have received the assignment. If you do not get a receipt from me, I did not get the assignment. It is your job to ensure that I have received the assignment, so if you do not get a response from me within 24 hours of submitting your assignment by email, you need to resend the email. The assignment continues to lose 10% per day during this time. Speech Day: I will create a schedule for speeches and evaluations. If you miss your speech day, you will be allowed to make it up only if you contact me within 24 hours of the class period missed. I will allow one make-up speech per semester. Late speeches are docked 50%. You will make up your speech during the next class period where time allows you to speak at the end of all other scheduled activities. If you are on the schedule to speak, it is important that you attend class. If you miss one of your evaluation days, you will lose those points as if you are not there to complete the evaluation, you can not earn the points.
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