Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

CIS 211 Website Plan & Design Credits : 3 Course Description : This course provides the learner with an in-depth study of the planning and design methods that are utilized to webpage creation. Pre-Requisite : CIS 180 Creating Web Pages Course Objectives: • To understand the foundation criteria for web design • To gather, analyze, and select information for webpage creation • To apply graphic design concepts to develop organized, attractive websites • To demonstrate the ability to interpret and synthesize information resulting in problem solutions • To understand the roles of people relating to web pages • Develop a plan, manual and documentation to use as a “blueprint” for creating websites Instructor: Ms. Trisha Nelson Office: MiSU Campus, Old Main Room 307A Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00-3:00; Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-noon Phone: 701-858-3313 Email: trisha.nelson@ndus.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule : T, TH 1:00-2:15 Textbook(s): Digital curriculum; readings provided by the instructor USB Drive Course Requirements : Instruction procedures include lecture, class discussion and research assignments, quizzes and tests. Grading Scale : A=90%; B=80%; C=70%; D=60%; F=59% and below Grading Methods : Grades will be determined from points accumulated from objective tests, quizzes, research assignments and final project. Grades will be calculated by dividing total points earned by total points available from assigned work. Tentative Course Outline: • Determine the site’s purpose • Gathering information • Developing a purpose statement • Constructing an image for the site • Determining site content requirements • Defining your audience • Understanding market research • Describing an ideal site visitor • Pulling together the content • Wireframes • Gathering all the written content