Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course prefix/number/title : Chem. 115, Introductory Chemistry Number of credits: 4 Course Description: The goal of Introductory Chemistry is to provide students with a foundation in chemical concepts and principles. The class consists of three one hour lectures and one two hour lab period. The class is designed for non-science orientated majors and is a requisite or pre-requisite for most nursing programs in North Dakota. Pre-/Co-requisites: none Course Objectives: 1. Students will gain an understanding of the nature of atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, etc. 2. Students will gain a basic understanding of the changes that take place in chemical reactions. Ability to perform simple stoichiometry calculations. 3. Students will gain an understanding of the phases of matter. 4. Students will gain an elementary understanding of chemical bonds. 5. Students will gain an elementary understanding of the nature of acids and bases. Instructor: Angie Bartholomay Office/Phone : Nelson Science Center, Room 111 Phone: 228-5471 Office Hours: MW 9-10:00am E-mail: angela.bartholomay@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: lecture 11:00-11:44 am, MWF lab T 8-9:50am Text: Introductory Chemistry, by Zumdahl, 6 th edition. Student Email Policy Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Course Requirements: Grading:Grades will be based on total points using the following percentage system: 100-90, A: 89-80, B; 79-70, C; 69-60, D; <60, F. Exams, research paper, and homework quizzes, and lab reports will be used to determine the final grade. IMPORTANT! Any grievances concerning graded material must be addressed within one week from the time the material is returned to the student. Exams (5) 500pts Lab Reports (25 pts. Each) 300pts Final Lab 100pts Quizzes (10pts. Each) 100pts 1000pts Exams: There will be five exams during the course of the semester. Exams may contain short answer/essay, multiple choice, completion and problems. Periodic tables may be used on the exams and will be provided by the instructor. There will be no makeup exams unless prior arrangements have been made. If you need to be gone for a school related activity or family event, you will be expected make arrangement prior to the event and take the exam before you leave. Homework: Homework will be assigned throughout the semester and will be discussed in class, these assignments can be used on quizzes. Homework is designed to prepare you for exams and quizzes. These quizzes will be unannounced throughout the semester there will not be make-up quizzes. You are expected to read the assigned pages prior to class. Lecture may not cover everything assigned in the reading, but everything assigned is exam material. If you do not understand something in the readings, please ask questions. Laboratory: The laboratory portion of the course provides an opportunity to integrate lecture concepts with observable activities. Attendance at lab is mandatory! Chemical splash safety goggles and metric ruler are required and may be purchased at the bookstore.